Jason Lovins Band

Jason Lovins -- It was back some time last year the band was called and booked to perform at our church this past weekend. 

As a gift from an anonymous donor, and in honor of our beloved Pastor, whom we lost just as the year began. Our loss, Heaven's gain.  

Actually-- the last concert Kevin and I went to was with our pastor and his wife to see a band (Shane & Shane) at another local church. It was a gift from our pastor and his wife after Kevin and I had gone through a season of the death of 2 of my family members-- my dad and brother. This now over a year ago. 

Back to this weekend: We rested most of the day Saturday then got dressed and took our little five-minute ride up to the church. 

Kevin and I walked in on an almost full church of people, and I spotted Bekah, our late pastor's wife and gave her a hug. 

Just to share, she and I've grown closer over the past year, with working together for different occasions, including her asking us to DJ her daughter's wedding. (Future blog post?) Just so you know, this is a beautiful synchrony that God weaved because He allowed me and Kevin first to get much closer to Pastor Zack before He passed away.)


From the merchandise table in the front lobby, to the colorful sound board set up in the center and back of the sanctuary, our hometown church felt like a different place. 

And so, Kevin and I chatted with Bekah for a while then a few other church members, then took our seats. Down in the front on the opposite side from where we usually sit on Sunday mornings.

Because, why sit in the same seats? 

Rick, who does our announcements on Sunday mornings, welcomed everyone and announced the band, and they were off and running. 

I pulled out my little notepad and scribbled down lots of notes. Writer at work. 

They asked us all to stand and began with "When We All Get to Heaven," that is the song where it all began. 

Here is Pastor Zack with our worship team. Oh, how PZ loved to lead us in devotionals and play the drum for worship each Sunday. He was dedicated as a pastor, and as a musician, even though he never considered himself of the latter. 

then, "House of the Lord", a popular tune by Phil Wickham, which our congregation knows. 

And "Victory in Jesus" (their own version)  

They talked about the band, and the recorded three hymn albums and 10 albums, with their 11th in progress, then they shared another hymn featured on their album: "Nothing But the Blood" 

Next, he talked about songwriting. Many years ago, his cousin was in the band. A prolific writer, his cousin wrote 67 songs while facing addiction. 

It must have been a hard time for the band too, Kevin and I discussed, especially when Jason had to tell his own cousin he needed to leave the band. 

Anyone who has ever loved an addict can feel that pain. 
They shared a song called "The Grass is Greener (with You)" (penned by said cousin) and mentioned it was requested at many funerals, as it's about heaven and being where God is being the ideal destination for all of us.

Jason closed the concert with Jason's own testimony: a mother who gave birth at 15, since she was raped on her way coming back from the pool one summer, and conceived, and  that his first memory was of him as a 3-year-old, is a photo he showed of him as a tot posing with his grandmother "Momaw" and a few other  family members, with his mother in a graduation cap and gown.

Jason joked about how not many 3-year-olds can say they celebrated their birthday and mother's high school graduation on the same day. 

He shared that he had a very godly grandmother, and her faith (our faith) is what helped his mother get through and raise him. 
God does not make mistakes; every baby is worth life no matter how it is conceived, Jason is an example.
To continue telling his story, Jason and his band established a nonprofit with monthly donors that support pregnancy care centers nationwide. 

I'll post the link to his ministry below.

An amazing concert, an amazing time, a "date night" for me and Kevin and looking even move forward to Sunday morning getting to have the morning off while the band once again leads worship and the service.  

What a blessing this band was to our church, their concert given in honor of our beloved Pastor Zack, and what a blessing he was. 

In so many, many ways. 
