
 Praise Him in the Morning Blog 

~For those who lead worship & for those who love to worship~

Hello Worship World! 

Hi, I’m Vanessa. Why did I start this blog?

To celebrate worship,

explore worship,

and talk about the One who is worthy of worship.

A little about my story (*because it’s really HIS story!)

God had a plan for my life, as he does for all His children. (Jer. 29:11)

His plan for my life began with music but took a detour from music twice. Once from trauma and once from burning out, but again circled back to music.

(That’s the short version.)

God healed me before He saved me. 

(That’s the most important part.)

I was once a broken up and beaten down shell of a woman who survived serious trauma. While I didn’t yet have a relationship with Jesus, I often crossed paths with those who did. And while I sought many other ways to be spiritual, I was blind to Truth.

But God was there, working.

With the help of a pastor at a small church plant, my husband and I got saved on the same day (Father’s Day) in 2015.

Later that same year, we were “hand-delivered” to a church that had been praying for more musicians. (We showed up on our pastor’s door steps looking for a Bible study. Hey, it was the house behind the church, called the parsonage, so we weren’t too far off!)

In 2016, we joined our church’s worship team.

My husband stepped out of the professional (secular) band he played in. I too drifted away from the secular music world, and my solo songwriting project.

In the past few years, we learned a lot about what worship is and what it is not.

What worship is not: 

· An opportunity to showcase your talents for your own glory

· The reason someone chooses to attend your church 

· Something that only takes place on Sundays

What worship is: 

· A choice to serve God and his Church with your God-given gifts

· Much more than the songs you sing, the way you sing them, 

  and the style that the congregation likes

· Something that takes place every day, not only on Sunday

It’s been five years. In celebration,  I decided to go “all in,” which includes documenting our journey with this blog.

God wants a cheerful giver (2 Cor. 9:7), then wouldn’t He also want a cheerful, committed worshiper?

I think so! 



P.S.- What about the title? I chose to name this blog “Praise Him in the Morning” because on Sunday mornings, that is what we do. And in our devotional time, (sometimes called “quiet time”), that’s what we do.

And, I know on the days when I don’t spend time with God first thing in the morning, I’ve set myself up for a bad day.

Thanks for coming along on this journey.

If you’d like to follow along, subscribe for future posts.


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Psalm 148:2-5 New King James Version (NKJV)

Praise Him, all His angels; Praise Him, all His hosts!

Praise Him, sun and moon; Praise Him, all you stars of light!

Praise Him, you heavens of heavens, And you waters above the heavens!

Let them praise the name of the Lord, For He commanded and they were created.

Photo by Aaron Burden on Unsplash




