Another National Day of Prayer
Everyday. Not only on "prayer day."
This national event serves to raise awareness of the problems in our country, and our need for prayer.
Each year's theme varies and centers around one chosen scripture; this year it was:
For you are my lamp, O Lord, and my God lightens my darkness. For by You I can run against a troop, and by my God I can leap over a wall. This God—his way is perfect; the word of the Lord proves true; He is a shield for all those who take refuge in Him.
2 Samuel 22:29-31
Wednesday night Richard, the man organizing this year's National Day of Prayer event, approached me, two papers in hand. "Are you going to be around this Thursday?"
Quickly, I pictured my calendar. I houseclean every other and not this week. "Yep."
"Great! Would you like to read for the National Day of Prayer?"
Sure, I said without blinking.
(I find that is how things get accomplished sooner. Say yes now... fret later.) :)
I had two choices: local businesses, or media.
Without hesitation, I said, "I'll take the media."
"Thanks, and there are four scriptures you can choose to read, usually people choose 2."
I went home that day and read the piece and prayer for our media then each of the four scriptures and chose the ones I would read.
On the morning of the event, I read through my prayer again, this time out loud, and marked in my bible the scriptures I would share.
Then I got nervous, looked at the clock and got ready, then jogged to church with my bible in hand.
(I did wonder what passers-by thought.)
I made it! Grabbed some waters and waited my turn. After hearing others present (why do we always compare ourselves to others?)I wondered if I did it right. Should I have written up my own prayer?
At 11:50 or so, those of us speaking or leading prayer gathered in a circle to pray. Then we all gathered in the front of the church and took our seats in the pews. Soon the prayers began. Richard, leading the event, said a brief intro about what this day is about, then called each of us up to speak. (There was a printed bulletin to follow, as well.)
I had the task of praying for the media.
Also, we prayed for the military, jobs and local businesses, our families, teachers and education system, and government. (I may be missing some.)
We ended with singing together "God Bless America."
Some churches hold their prayer night at 7 pm, others hold it first thing in the morning.
I did hear some criticism that this event promotes Christian Nationalism, but that is stupid. A.) our country is founded on Christian principles AND, Jesus is THE way, the Truth and the life. God made a way that is exclusive through faith in Jesus alone.
Ruffles a lot of feathers today as much as it did the day Jesus came in human form and dwelt among men.
But that's truth. It's stagnant and doesn't depend on your believing it or my believing it to be true. It just is.
Needless to say, this is one of the many, many, many reasons believers, Christ followers, truth worshipers, need to pray--so God can intercede on the hearts of the blinded and the lied to.
On the way home, I was told that only 3 churches here on our shoreline this year, were participating, or at least had advertised it.
Also, I believe there is a televised event at 8 pm from Washington, D.C.
Did you participate this year in the National Day of Prayer? Did you go to a public event or just pray in your home?
There is a headquarters website. Home - National Day of Prayer Task Force
The History of prayer History of Prayer in America - National Day of Prayer Task Force
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