Can worship leading be taught?

(Orig. published 2022)

Can worship leading be taught? 

This is a common question I get as a writer. Can Creative writing be taught? 

And the answer to both questions is "Yes."

Maybe the better question is how can worship leading be taught? 

It turns out, there are many ways: 

  • Worship leading courses 
  • Books on worship leading
  • Paid consultations/mentorships 
  • Following worship leaders on YouTube or other social media 
  • Worship leader podcasts
  • Good ol' experience 

Just before the world shut down, when our former worship leaders of 30 years stepped down, I cried when we learned that WE (My husband and I) were next in line to step into their shoes; I always said those were BIG shoes to fill! 

And, immediately I knew that I would need to be trained or learn as I go, and for the most part I did. 

I prayed, I read books, I watched other worship leaders share on Youtube. I talked to other worship leaders I knew...

I know I need to still grow, and that's God's job anyway. 

Don't get me wrong, I have guidance: 

Our pastor is great. (Update: he went to be with the Lord in heaven in January of this year, just before his 51st birthday.) He came on as our drummer and then really took me and Kevin under his wing. He always seemed flexible and open to most of my ideas. In return, I stay flexible to his ideas. But, he was not a musician. 

My husband is great. He's supportive and encouraging when I need it, and also flexible and open to most of my ideas. I'm open to his suggestions. We are partners who argue, fuss and fight but still come together to make things happen. But he is not a speaker! 

Our worship/tech team is great. Some of them have even taken me aside or written kind notes of thanks and encouragement for stepping up to lead.  We have someone who can step in and lead whenever Kevin and I take a Sunday off, which is rare. I have a lot of support from about half the team. The other half has their own struggles, and I promise to be there for them. But they are not having to speak or lead or fall under the pressure we do. 

I am in need of more. Not from God--He is enough, but in my worship leading. Something is stagnant, or something is wanting to grow. And it's possible I'm standing in the way. Do you often feel like you get in the way of the Holy Spirit's leading? 

So, as I pray God is sending me different options. 

Last week, I signed up for a consultation with someone who teaches a course. Today was that consultation. The course is over $6,000! 

Yeah... no.

That sounds like a "rockstars in training" type of fee. 

Remember, Kevin and I already been down the "rockstars" (cough, cough) route. It's overrated. 

It's not satisfying. 

it's wordly. It's business. It's NOT Worship. 

And, so that brings me to my main point. 

We are worshipers first, rockstars-- er,I mean,musicians next. 

(Ok, let me get this straight-- we. Are. NOT. rockstars. 

Never will be, never have been. 

Although, there was that one time (or two)... we were "noticed" in the local Wal*Mart. 

You're laughing. 

I'm serious. We were in line with who knows what filled the cart at the time, or maybe it was a few cheap hoodies hung around my arm, anyway, a young man and woman came running up behind us... Hiiii... Aren't you in that (so and so name of) band?

Some might think that was cool. We still feel it was awkward, because maybe even back then we already had that question in our head, WHO ARE WE??!

And all these decades later and I bring it back to our identity. 

We're worshipers who love God and happen to know music. God gave us the talents to play an instrument, carry a tune or two, so we are worshipers first. 

Worshipers in gratitude. 

We're "nobodies trying to tell everybody all about somebody (Jesus) who saved my soul."(to quote Casting Crowns)  

End of story. End of rant. 

Remember your place. We'll remember ours. 


Your fellow brother/sister in Christ, and grateful worshiper. :) 

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Photo by Ben White on Unsplash
