One of our favorite (annual) Christmas services

Last night, Dec. 20th, our home church held its annual Christmas candlelight service. 

The evening was full of messages and stories about the birth of many of the characters at the manger the night of Jesus' birth, and all leading up to our favorite part: the candle lighting as we all sang the song "Silent Night."

So, so pretty. 
The pews were packed. We had a
 great turnout, and a special guest! Our own pastor, who was supposed to out of town for three weeks, surprised many of us. 

Twenty minutes before the start of the service his wife, who I'd been working closely with that past week to coordinate the scheduling, said to us that he was here and would be keeping a low profile. 

He did just that. First. The service started at 7 pm and Kevin and I received a text at 6:52 pm asking if we would consider doing that song, we all did a few weeks ago... you know, if I happened to request it spontaneously..." (The text came from our pastor!) God is growing boldness in me, so I gave my husband a look, he nodded yes, and I texted back "Why not?" Let me just go ask the sound man. 5 minutes after that I texted back, we are all set. 

Thumbs up emoji. 

After the candle lighting and song, don't go anywhere! Pastor told us he had served a curve ball and graciously we accepted, and we all concluded the service with O Holy Night, another fan favorite.

Does your church present a candlelight service? If yes, do you try to keep it to Christmas Eve, or another time in the month?
