How God Strengthens You During Challenges

All praise be to God! What an AMAZING day of worship that was! The week after was not so good, however. We'll get to that in a moment. 

From the discussion Sunday about reaching out to our community, to learning about our visitor's missionary work, to praying over the new changes in our church family or with worship, the way we disciple each other, and to our special music song presentation.

What a pleasure it was for me to work with our pastor (cajon drum) and my husband (piano) on that. Thanks to our pastor for suggesting the song, and especially to have our congregation sing it with us the second time around. 

And I feel exhausted. You know that good exhaustion you get after a good hard day's work? Yeah, that kind. But I have to ask, shouldn't EVERYthing we do for the Lord be a challenge whenever we serve Jesus? 

Why shouldn't prayer exhaust us, and make us sweat at times? We already know fasting is uncomfortable which is the main point of fasting--so that in our discomfort we cry out to God. 

We didn't fast before the performance Sunday, BUT my sleep was compromised. I rolled into bed at 9 pm but found my mind wandering. I stayed in bed, but then got sucked into social media and then learned I was disturbing my husband, so I got out of bed and headed to the living room, phone still in hand. 

I then sat on the internet, eyes wide open and mind wide awake from the glowing light of the screen. 

I wrote on my blog, then added to the latest short story I am working on and read other articles and blog posts. Finally, with two hours to go before the alarm would go off, I surrendered to sleep. 

I got a total of one hour. 

I apologized to our Lord. Here I was scheduled to share a solo that next morning--and give Him the glory for it, and even though we prayed for a restful, peaceful sleep-filled night, it did not occur. Our enemy (the devil) told me it was all my fault, of course. 

The next morning, I was ok, not groggy (thank you, coffee) but I was laden with guilt that I hadn't rested my voice or given my body up to the proper restoration sleep brings. 

So, we prayed that morning, and rehearsed the song once more. 

Our team rehearsed its songs. Then, I sang with the kids during their music time. I chatted with people during coffee hour (and sipped hot tea to calm my already froggy, dry throat.) 

Before we knew it, as every Sunday, it was time for worship.

And I needed to rely on God more than ever before.

Well, there was a palpable air of energy and excitement in God's house! When someone marched down the aisle, others started clapping during one song. Even our song intros had more energy! 

And, that song I had to deliver? God hit my solo out of the park. I sang with all I had, people had urged me not to hold back, and this song is a song that deserves a singer to give it all she's got! 

When God challenges you, understand He's changing you, too.

I feel changed after yesterday, from the sermon to the worship to the surrender of the power needed to sing that song.

Even with a lack of sleep God uses His children, and maybe it's better because we're too tired to get in HIS way! 

As often happens after God brings you through a big moment, I crashed that afternoon, and then Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday came the attacks. The bad thoughts. The imposter syndrome. The doubt. 
Anything set to discourage us. 

A family member was scheduled for a visit, blew us off.
I suffered a sore throat and came down with a head cold. My husband faced some struggles at work. I felt depressed and holed myself in my room. 

It was, by any other definition, a bad week. 
After ascending such a mountain!

Which excites me in one way, because it tells me we had an impact. Someone that day was touched by our ministering through our music. Someone that day was moved by God's Holy Spirit. 

God was pleased that we got and stayed OUT of His way so He could lead through US.

I am so grateful to work in music, my whole life, and today for us to serve on the frontlines of Sunday worship -- I hope I never forget and start treating it like the weekly? hourly? battle that it is. 
And that, my brothers and sisters is the whole point of this blog post: 

When God gives you a victory, expect attacks to follow. 

I'll write that again:  

When God gives you a victory, expect attacks to follow.  

There is a reason why some don't survive the descent from a mountaintop. Their heart literally gives out from the change in pressure and altitude on the way back down. 

In Deuteronomy, Moses met God and got a glimpse of His glory only from behind and it was enough to age Moses closer to death.

I'm not saying we're dying although dying to self may be more like what's going on. We're learning how to be dependent on God for everything. It's the Christian walk. 

And so part of our battle plan means we need to also prepare for the low points. Maybe I will write about how to prepare for that in a future post. 

Have you experienced that in your life? Whenever something big happens, you've crashed on the way down, or had attacks such as depression and discouragement? 

If so, please know, you are not alone! And, if you're striving to live a life that pleases God, and following God, you will get attacked. In fact, YOU become a prime target! 

But, also know this: 

John 16:33 These things I have spoken to you, that in Me you may have peace. In the world you will have tribulation; but be of good cheer, I have overcome the world.” 

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Photo by Jon Tyson on Unsplash
