A year worship: a look back on 2021
I can still remember the morning, very clearly... the 3 am text announcing our current worship leaders were stepping down, after 30 years.
Of course, we wondered what had happened? Why would God allow someone to make a dramatic exit with no notice, after serving Jesus and His church for a long time? But then, God reminds me of our story-6 months before we were saved God "yanked" me out of the professional band my husband and I were in, after 11 hard-pressed yet committed years. (Kevin stayed on another 2 years after I gave my notice).
I was graceful about leaving and even helped to hire and train my replacement.
I called the other band members to personally explain my decision, show my gratitude and appreciation, and say goodbye. In retrospect God's plan is clear. At the time, it felt like I lost a limb.
6 months after that resignation day, my husband and I came to Christ thanks to a little church plant with a loud preacher. 4 months later, God relocated us here to the shoreline and eventually had us show up at our pastor's door looking for a Bible study. (Little did I know, this church too was praying for musicians.)
As Christ-followers, when (and where) He leads, we follow; no questions asked.
God has done amazing things in my and my husband's life.
Starting with COVID!
God's timing is perfect for Him. In our case, the government-mandated shutdown happened right after a team of five people were away on a mission's trip to Ukraine. Kevin and I led a team for two weeks and that was it-- shut down happened and we were confined to our homes for months.
Everyone has a COVID story--where were you "when the world stopped turning?" as Alan Jackson wrote in 2001. There he referred to 9/11. That paused the world on pause. And none can argue that the pandemic stopped the world again. And we all stopped right along with it.
But, God...
Our church had been wanting to start live streaming and had been talking about it for some time...the pandemic forced us to think about how we would still reach people. By Easter, we had a live video and continued on for the next couple of months.
Before our church would again meet physically together, we had a # of other chances for connection. Each week, Kevin and I recorded songs live from our living room and sent in our video to the weekly service.
Bekah, our pastor's wife drove around town to video and report on what everyone was up to!
I especially loved when she videoed everyone waving from inside their front window, or outside from their front stoop. A God smiled on our outdoor worship and we had a clear, sunny, and warm (sometimes hot!) Sunday every week, with the exception of one day in September that was unseasonably cold. A few drifted, and have since returned to the sheepfold, a few others have settled into watching our online services from the comfort of their living rooms, but we all agree there is nothing like being with the church. Something tells me that His spirit flows better when we are all in person.
As Jesus said, "where two or three are gathered in my name, there I am in their midst." Each year, I set new goals and continue to ask God to grow us. God is good, so very good. He is faithful in delivering us through challenges if we are faithful to obey, follow and trust in Him.
By Summer, when ordinances allowed us to go outside, we were able to meet outside, still spread out, still 6 feet apart, but we all gathered underneath the blue sky and this amazing tree that bloomed and shed huge white flowers in our church's backyard. I prayed for a team and God assembled a team of 6 -7 people to help with music each and every week. (We now have a core of 6). My husband Kevin jumps back and forth from guitar to piano as needed, and when our pastor's son moved out of town, our pastor joyfully stepped up to lead the drum box week after week in addition to sharing the main message.
You may have heard this before, but the Japanese word for crisis is two words put together: Danger + opportunity.
Where there is great danger, there is a great opportunity. Where there is a challenge, or a risk, a chance to fail, "skin in the game," however you define danger... there is also a tremendous opportunity to learn, to grow, to uncover, to discover. There is no safer place to be when in danger than curled up and nestled in the arms of our Loving Father.
I often feel sorry for the world because those who do not have a relationship with Jesus don't have access to the greatest respite which is in His arms.
Defeated, depleted, and drowning in uncertainty, gasping for oxygen beneath our covered air holes...
I digress.
God saves.
But... God!
With the Christmas season upon us and church back at full capacity, we thought and prayed about a choir. But I decided to put that off until Easter, and maybe that is a good thing-- Covid ran through our church over the past few months.
So, instead, I decided to fill up our schedule with "special music" anything that is beyond our worship set, and God touched the hearts of the congregation and sent volunteers. We had a children's choir (special thanks to Natalie and Shirley for leading that, and their saint-like patience!), two teens to sing (Ruby and Sarah) and a young girl to do a solo (Sophia).
I read two worship books: How to Worship a King by Zach Neese and True Worship by Bob Kauflin.
Here are some other "goals" I'm praying about for Worship, 2022:
Special Music Themes:
In addition to our new songs taught to the congregation every other month, God recently put it on my heart to "theme call" for special music. What do I mean? Anyone knows or wish to share a song about love? Let me know and I'll put you on the schedule for February. That's what I mean! :)
Easter choir (start warming up those pipes, please:) Most importantly, please pray about joining our choir. I've picked a simple yet beautiful song for us to praise our Lord with come Resurrection Sunday, and I'm praying about what else we'll do.
Worship study together
Our pastor is wonderful where each morning before we meet for Sunday rehearsal, whether it is Sunday morning before service or Wednesday nights after prayer meeting, he shares a devotional with us that usually includes some scripture passage in the bible. Then he'll relate that to something that God did in the past week and then we pray. We always pray before we begin rehearsal, and as we finish rehearsal. We need to be drenched, soaked, dripping with prayer! And so, I am waiting on an answer about leading our team through a study on worship, to start, and perhaps the congregation later.
Our job as ministry leaders (for those who lead any kind of ministry) is to help not only the congregation to grow and experience God and be drawn into His presence but to grow with and through each other. I am grateful that our former worship leaders helped us to grow into where we are now. To God's glory and credit, always. He knew He would lead them on a different path, and He knew Kevin and I would be the ones to step up to lead in their place because His timing is perfect.
Kevin and I plan to take a vacation perhaps on our wedding anniversary in March, and I plan to get back on one musical instrument this year... either the piano or guitar, we shall see.
Generally, and most important of all, I will pray to continue to decrease so that He increases.
Leading a worship team comes with great responsibility and being led by the Holy Spirit comes with great power, and with great power comes great responsibility--but my greatest responsibility is to stay close to my Lord and Savior Jesus, and that is the greatest goal a Christian and every true worshipper --should have. :)
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