Do You Know That You Were Created For Worship?
(orig. published 12/2023)
Have you ever thought that they are doing exactly what God intended them to do? These creatures are communicating with each other the only way they know how, and they just do it, without complaint, without restraint, and without question. (We know animals can't reason.)
But, we can. And... we don't always do what we were made to do.
Even with gifts and talents and intelligence and a desire to feel joy, I don't think we always know what we're here for.
I know I didn't. I was clueless.
Back in my "old life," there was a female songwriter I collaborated with.
We never met in person—she lived in Pennsylvania, I live in Connecticut, but we talked on the phone, connected and for a good solid year or two we co-wrote and published several songs.
We both were interested in writing around a noble cause and there weren’t many of us writing exclusively around that one cause, so I
loved collaborating with her... well, except for one thing.
She was a Christian, and not afraid to share her faith. In fact, she had a big banner on her social media page that read: Created to Worship Jesus.
I cringed whenever
I saw that.
I embarrassing! Are people going to think I was a Christian too? I called myself spiritual, but not Christian. She was a “Jesus girl,” and I was not.
What she and I both never
knew is that I too would eventually be found by God and become a Christian; a “Jesus girl.”
Created to Worship Jesus
Recently, I went back into the studio to record demos for another songwriter.
His songs are pop/country, and more of a secular (or "non-faith" nature).
In more than 5 years, I haven't sung anything but Christian music and hymns, except for the time we played music for the teen ministry at our church.
What happens when someone sees that you're a Christian, you become a witness.
A life in Christ means that I:
· no longer make music for my glory,
my brand, my reputation, or for my name
· I serve with a better heart than I
had then
· Everything I do, I do for Jesus
There is a reason that God had me cross paths again with this songwriter. and the recording
engineer, who balked and barked when he asked me what’s next and I mentioned I
was wondering if I should be recording Christian music. (Even back then, God
began planting seeds…)
As God would
have it, with the exception of the pop/Christian original music I’ll be singing
demos for in the studio today, I don’t –and would rather not –sing anything but
music that worships and praises our Lord.
Like my
co-writer all those years ago boldly proclaimed, I was after all, also created to worship Jesus.
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