Song for March - Lord of Hosts
As a sneak peek ahead, the song that our congregation will be learning in March as our new song, is a song about God coming alongside us to fight our battles (more on the song, later).
And each of our songs in that month focus on that same idea: God will fight our battles if only we be still, be still, wait and let Him be God and work in His perfect timing (even if it doesn't match ours), be still and pray and listen. Be still, take a step back, and wait for His voice to tell us what square to move onto next. Be still.
Here's a great explanation of the context that the songwriter offered of the verse and theology.
We will be sharing this wonderful song soon with our congregation. I'm excited for them to know what a powerful true story from the bible that backs this verse up and that the Shane and Shane song was written from.
We've already shared the song and it seems to be going over well.
Praise God.
Photo by Yiorgos Ntrahas on Unsplash
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