Do you remember the day you were saved?

New King James Version
Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation; old things have passed away; behold, all things have become new. 2 Cor. 5:17

Our Facebook post: 

Happy Father's day. 

5 years ago, on this same date, SAME holiday, my husband and I surrendered our lives to Jesus Christ.

From being (rock) stars of the show to letting God take the lead.

We are living testimony that if you are called, God will prepare you.

You might also resist using His gift-- I walked away so many times from music.

But God wouldn't have it. Today, we lead worship at our shoreline church every Sunday. It is a commitment and a responsibility. But, there has never been a greater blessing.

Five years.

It’s been five years.

June 21, 2015 is the day we became Christians. We were told our lives would change forever. And, they have.

Do you remember the day you were saved? Can you look back and see how God changed your thinking, 

your beliefs, 

your convictions, 

your hobbies,

your work ethic, 

your exercise habits, 

your eating habits, 

your Bible reading habits, 

your hunger for prayer time, and time in the Word with Him? 

Maybe you felt something changed. Somehow, life was going to be different from now on.

Here is how our lives are different:

Kevin no longer plays in his professional secular band.

I no longer sing in our professional secular band. I also walked away from my award-winning songwriting project, in obedience to our Lord.

Also, in these five years the Lord has worked on both of our hearts; me to be kinder and less of a perfectionist; him, to stop worrying about what others think. 

I forgave my past, and the force that tried to destroy me.  If Christ can forgive us and He died for me, a sinner from the start, I can forgive, too.  

Every time my husband and I lead worship / praise music with the 5 godly people on our praise team, I KNOW that this is where God wants us, and the reason He gifted us with musical talents.

When we look back on our combined almost 30 years of professional musicianship, I think all those experiences—large audiences, rowdy crowds(at times), agent drama, high-pressure television and major state fair gigs, band drama, rumors, riffs and splits. 

We don’t miss those days.

But-- ALL OF OUR TRIALS, TRIUMPHS, and TESTING was meant to train us for these days. 

How does Salvation work? 

Salvation is  the free gift of God granted to all who are ready and willing to accept. it's not something we deserve, but only because He loved us enough to send His only begotten Son to live among us, die for us, and get resurrected the third day. (John 3:16,17)


If you Acknowledge, Believe the gospel in your heart and Call upon the Lord, (Lord, I am a sinner, please save me.), He will save you. 

 At our old church, our pastor told us being saved means stepping into a battlefield, and there are only two camps in this world: good versus evil. 

 Our current Pastor asked if we all remember the day we were saved, because it is a day we will cherish for the rest of our lives, and the most important day.

“The two most important days are the days we are born and the day we find out why.” -Mark Twain

Which is to be bought back by God, and returned to His family.

It’s our first homecoming.

Do you remember the day you were saved? Can you remember what life was like before you were saved?





